Holy Hestia, who's hair drips always with sweet oil,
Let Thy divine blessings be bestowed upon this altar fire.
Let me be reminded that Your love of home and family
will always be present
When this altar is set, and its fire burns.
Oh, Queen Hestia, bless this altar for the service of the Gods!
PROCESSION: The worshipper then places the container with the lit altar fire upon the altar (if a tile is to be placed under it, this is done also) and processes away to retrieve the other altar tools and offerings. They then process to the altar with these things, and as they approach the altar, they speak the following or similar prayer:
Holy Gods, I/We have come to this divine place
To dedicate this altar to Your Service,
To give many thanks for the blessings You have
made come to pass,
And to honour You with libations, sacrifice and joy!
Holy Ones, look upon me/us with favor!
PURIFICATION: The bowl of khernips, which has been filled with water before the ritual is then lifted above the flames of the altar fire with the following prayer:
Kherniptomai! Let these waters be cleansed
By Hestia's Sacred Flame!
The bowl is then carried around the altar while the worshipper sprinkles it over the altar and shrine, speaking:
Oi Theoi, genoisthe apotropoi kakon!
Oh Gods, turn away evils!
The worshipper then annoints themself with the water with the same words, and then places the bowl outside the worship space, as it is now impure.
THUSIA: Some barley is thrown into the altar fire, speaking:
For Hestia, be Yours the first.
The offering is then presented to the deity (in this case, incense and the altar itself), saying:
For, Zeus and His fellow Immortals!
A final offering of barley is thrown into the altar fire, saying:
For Hestia, be Yours the last.
HYMNODIA: At this point, the worshipper chants or sings a hymn to the God/s which the altar is to be dedicated to. I have included the prayer said to Zeus, when His altar was dedicated:
Gracious and Almighty Zeus,
Indestructible Zeus,
You and Your children, and Siblings
Have granted me many blessings.
I give you thanks for these things,
And so do bless this altar to Your service,
However it is You wish it be used.
Oh Zeus, let it be thus.
LIBATIONS: wine, juice, milk, or water is poured into the libation glass or goblet. The worshipper holds the cup over the altar facing the Deity shrine, says a prayer, ending with the word: "Sponde." The worshipper then takes a sip from the cup and pours the rest into the libation dish. This dish is then placed upon the altar itself, or the shrine behind it.
CLOSING: The worshipper raises his/her hands into the air, and speaks:
Holy Immortals, my rite has ended.
May You always be pleased
by the events at this Holy Place.
And may You continue to bless me always.
My rite has ended, and I shall now feast
In the company of the Gods!